Open Market in Korea

S.Korea Open Market (online marketplace)

auction (

1998 : '' was first Internet auction service in Korea
2002 : '' was changing business structure in the online marketplace
2007 : '' was changing CI & Homepage, intentioned online shopping portal

Gmarket (

Gmarket Inc was founded in April 2000 and has become Korea's leading e-commerce marketplace,
offering sellers a flexible and comprehensive sales solution and buyers a tremendous selection of products at competitive prices.

11st (

11st was created using advanced technology by SK Telecom
to secure a new concept of shopping, Korea Online open market.

interpark (

interpark get started 1996-06-01 First Online Shopping mall in Korea.
interpark means 'internet theme park'
interpark was over 12 years of experience with strong brand power.
and has own domestic technology market leader in e-commerce and retail companies, has grown into a professional.
You want to selling on Online market in South Korea,
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