판매대행 진행하는 국내 해외 판매 쇼핑몰은 아래와 같습니다. * 오픈마켓(옥션,G마켓,11번가,인터파크,디앤샵) * 해외,국내메이져몰(EBAY,알리바바,QOO10,CJ몰,홈플러스,GS홈쇼핑,농수산,스피드파크,문화쇼핑,롯데닷컴,롯데홈쇼핑,현대H몰,신세계,AK몰,지마켓싱가폴,지마켓제팬) 각각의 몰마다 저희 담당 MD들이 입점제안을 합니다. 입점승인 노출 후에는 갖가지 프로모션과 이벤트전, 특가전 등을 진행하여 매출증진을 위해 노력합니다.
Major Internet Mall in Korea
CJ O Shopping (http://www.cjmall.com/)
Began airing first TV Home shopping in South Korea.
1997 Open : Catalog business Service
2001 Open : Internet shopping mall business (CJmall)
GS SHOP (http://www.gsshop.com/)
Top-three of the world TV shopping company
industry first 24-hour Airing
Hmall (http://www.hmall.com/)
Hyundai Department Store and Hyundai Home Shopping, a group of professionals,
the distribution has inherited the tradition and spirit is specialized in high-quality comprehensive online distribution.
NS eshop (http://www.nseshop.com/)
Main item : Food
2001 Open : TV Home Shopping
2002 Open : Catalog business Service, Internet shopping mall business,
T-commerce, M-commerce, IPTV & Offline Business ===================================================================
Lotte i mall (http://www.lotteimall.com/)
Distribution in 2007-05 as the best jump of the brand 'Lotte'
2001-09 : TV shopping and Internet shopping Open, Main business
Lotteimall.com was a surplus in two years
d&shop (http://www.dnshop.com/)
2000 : get started Daum (http://www.daum.net/) internet Shopping
2003 : changed Brand name 'Daum Shopping' -> 'd&shop'
2006 : 'Daum onket' were merged to 'd&shop'
2007 : 'd&shop' were merged to 'GS home Shopping'
changed Brand name 'd&shop Inc'
AK mall (http://www.akmall.com/)
Since 1993 AEKYUNG Group Shopping culture has led in the southwestern part of Seoul.
Department stores has been developed to internet shopping mall business.
You want to selling on Online market in South Korea,
Please, Contact Us : wharoshop@gmail.com
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