판매대행 진행하는 국내 해외 판매 쇼핑몰은 아래와 같습니다. * 오픈마켓(옥션,G마켓,11번가,인터파크,디앤샵) * 해외,국내메이져몰(EBAY,알리바바,QOO10,CJ몰,홈플러스,GS홈쇼핑,농수산,스피드파크,문화쇼핑,롯데닷컴,롯데홈쇼핑,현대H몰,신세계,AK몰,지마켓싱가폴,지마켓제팬) 각각의 몰마다 저희 담당 MD들이 입점제안을 합니다. 입점승인 노출 후에는 갖가지 프로모션과 이벤트전, 특가전 등을 진행하여 매출증진을 위해 노력합니다.
2011년 3월 21일 월요일
About Us
The KNPD of the 30-year-old company specializing in retail sales made by SELAND is name of the service.
The purpose of KNPD the world of small manufacturers, importers and exporters finding new products in Korea and overseas, it is intended to promote and sell. New Product Development Lab, the SELAND established since 2003, many of Korea's small and medium companies have been sold to a strategic new products.
It is based on accumulated know-how more systematically, and to provide more professional service was born. The purpose of this is the biggest Internet shopping mall in Korea, foreign small and medium businesses for sale by professional advertising and web design is to provide such services.Korea's online marketplace, eBay auctions have all been doing is based on the initial growth, G Market, 11st, interpark as successful as the open market, growth has become big.Under these circumstances, countries of the world, and they wanted to go to Korea on the market, probably did not know how difficult it would be.
Until now, only to develop new products in Korea was dependent on.
However, the world's global era, this anachronistic stance, the development does not help at all because of the desperate thoughts of many of the world market is to develop a good product.
We want to do the world a stage, and the competitive world of the new products, we have to deal with all the company is highly profitable.
South Korea market, among all the nations of the world, online and offline market will be the most spectacular stage. Right now is when you have to do with us.
You want to selling on Online market in South Korea,
Please, Contact Us : wharoshop@gmail.com
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